Finding v. Making Time … Your Choice

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It’s not about finding time, it’s about making time.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that “You don’t find time, you make time”. What about the saying that “You make time for what’s important”?

So yea … Let’s talk about finding time versus making time.

When you hear the phrase that it’s not about finding time, it’s about making time, what comes to mind?

Is that when you start thinking about how you make time for what’s important?

Now, more importantly, do you agree with the statement or do you disagree?

Here’s the thing … When I heard it and read it, I initially agreed with it. Actually, I think that I agreed with it up until recently. So now that I’ve thought about it more, I don’t fully agree with it. 

Just this past Friday, I did a video on it, and I’ll link it here. Because the funny thing is, when I set out to make that video, I agreed with the statement. But then literally, as I started to prepare to record it … I caught myself. 

Let’s Find Some Time

As I was thinking about how you don’t find time, I realized you do find time! Just like you make time for what’s important, that’s a source of finding time. 

But really, one of the things that I help people do in coaching is find time! When I’m working with someone to help them create their schedule and their system for their day and week, what I’m showing them is that they do have time! I’m helping them to find the hidden time in their day! 

We all have this time in the day that we don’t realize that we have. Time that we can use to work on ourselves, our life, our business … Time that can be used for other tasks.

Now, some of this time is time that we can spend and use while multitasking and doing other tasks and events. Then, there is the time that you find by creating and having an order and structure in the day … You know how you suddenly find yourself scrolling on social media for way longer than your quick social media break was supposed to be? Yea, like that … That’s finding time. 

I’m not out here trying to tell you that every second of every day has to be spent doing something productive. That’s unrealistic. We need down time … We deserve downtime. But, what often happens with this down time is that it gets away from you. 

For example, you plan to spend a quick ten minute break between tasks scrolling social media to catch up with family, friends, and whatever else you may have missed that was going on in the world. But the next thing you know you’ve been in the social media worm hole and it’s an hour later. This is where you can find time! You take back and reclaim your time and use it for what you want and need to use it for. 

Finding time is literally that. It’s finding the hidden pockets of time in your day. It’s finding the time that can be used efficiently and effectively. Finding time is seeing how you can either do more in the same time frame … OR even better, doing more in the less.

When it comes to doing more in the same time frame, that’s looking for opportunities to multitask. Now I know that I’ve talked about multitasking before and said that it’s not the best because it divides your attention, and I still think that; however, I also talked about how there are some things that you can multitask with. This is where knowing yourself comes into place. 

Like me for example, I listen to podcasts all day … As I’m writing this blog, while I work out or go for walks, when I’m in the car, basically any time I’m doing something. But, even with me listening to podcasts all day … I choose my podcasts wisely. I have so many podcasts that I’m subscribed to, I sort of have a style of podcasts that I listen to for each type of task. If you’ve ever listened to podcasts, or really listened to anything, you know there are those things that you need to truly pay attention to and then there are those things that are more for fun and just background noise.  

If you’re working from home but also washing clothes, running the dishwasher, or have food going in the oven or crockpot, these are great uses of multitasking, of getting more done in the same amount of time! These are perfect examples of finding time within your day.

Now, when it comes to getting more done in less time, this is where being focused and strategic is the thing. Set a timer, get focused and get to work. Don’t stop every five minutes to take a break. If you spend more time focused on the task at hand, it will take you a lot less time to get the task done than all the stop and go that you do on the task. You have to be focused if you want to get the task done in less time!

So, do you see how my thoughts have pivoted over on the finding time statement? Does it make more sense now? Let me know your thoughts below.

Oh, and if you’re looking to find the hidden time in your day but you don’t know where to look, then let’s chat. If you want help with deconstructing your day to create your own personal schedule that will allow you to find the hidden time in your day so that you can get done all the things that you want to get done in a day, then let me know, we can chat and see about that as well.

I’m Ready to Make Some Time

Now, after you’ve gone through your day and found all the hidden time, you still have to make time for what’s important to you. If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse. You can make the time to sit and watch an entire series of a show on Netflix, so why can’t you make the time to work on your goals that will benefit your life?

So, yes, you make time for what’s important. You are in control of most of your day, like we talked about last week. This means that you are able to decide what is important to you and then make time for that. 

You know what the non-negotiables are that can’t not happen each day … Like going to work and things like that. Now decide, what are the other non-negotiables that you want to make a part of your day or your week? This is where the routine aspect of life comes in. When you know what you want the non-negotiables to be, then you can input them into your routine for the day. 

If you didn’t read the blog last week about routines and taking control of your day, read that because that flows right into the making time part for this blog.

If you’re struggling with the accountability aspect of the non-negotiables, then I’m here to help! Whether that be with finding the non-negotiables, getting them into your schedule, or just holding you accountable to them, I’m here for it all. Reach out and let’s talk about it. And please don’t use the “I don’t have time excuse” … Because you make time for what’s important!

But, What’s the Difference?

Now that you understand finding time and making time, you want to know how to balance the two? When do you do one versus the other? 

Well, making time is more intentional and about the planning aspect; whereas, finding time is a little more reactionary.

What do I mean? 

When you're finding time, you're reacting to what's happening in the day to figure out where you’ll “find the time” to fit this into your schedule.

In comparison, when you make time, you are making it a priority and putting it into your schedule first and then putting the rest of the day around it.  

You Need Help with Time?

Are you good with continuing to just go through life complaining when there is a solution in front of you, but you refuse to take it? Because if you are, then good luck to you and best of luck with your life. 

But, if you’re not … Then yea, let’s do this thing already!

Like I mentioned before, whether it’s figuring out how to find the hidden time in your day or making time for what’s important, I’m just a click of a button away.

There’s no reason for you to continue to stumble through life not sure how to find the time or make the time for what’s important. If you just reach out and ask for help, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of your time, in no time. So, you in?

-Coach Lee

Your Productivity & Accountability Coach 


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Control the Controllable … Get you a Routine!