Let Us Grow …

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Growth and evolution are a part of us. 

Well, let me take that back … Growth and the decision to evolve should be a part of each of us!

As we grow and as we evolve it's on you to learn more about ourselves and then to work to change the things that we don't like or want to be better about ourselves.

That’s what we’re going to talk about today … 

I want you to read this and if you thought that growth and evolution wasn’t a part of you, I hope this causes you to reconsider it.

Grow & Evolve

Your decision to grow and evolve is the decision to take your identity and your destiny into your own hands ...

You have the choice in life to grow and evolve. No one can force you too … Well, at times, life will throw you different instances, different situations, and then as a result, it’s up to you to decide what you do with it … 

The way I see it, if you aren't growing you're dying ... 

Staying the same isn’t really a thing. I mean, each day is a new day … That’s why time changes.

If we were meant to stay still … wouldn’t life just be one long day …. Instead of new days and new times?

If we were meant to stay still we wouldn’t have these different measurements of time.

So, as the world turns and changes, it becomes your choice to grow and evolve with the world.

Let’s Look Back

If you don't believe the world is changing, growing, and evolving … 

Let’s look to the start of 2020, a new decade, when we were all about the perfect vision because it was 2020. You know, when we had all these wonderful thoughts and plans for what the year would be … All these goals and all that we were ready to crush.

And then … March 2020 happened. You know, when we thought that the whole COVID-19 wasn’t that big of a deal, that it would just blow over, when we thought we would just stay home for two weeks, and then everything would go back to normal. 

Haha … Yea, that.

You know how before March, we were just going about our life all normal,, with all of the hustle and bustle that we had going on in life, when we would just get up and go … ALL THE TIME. But then, the curfews started, the “essentialism” started … The need to think about the things that we needed and be more intentional about the times we were leaving home, where we were going, and what we were going for.

Well, those two weeks have stretched .. and stretched … and stretched. Now, depending where you are in the world will determine how much of a stretch those two weeks turned into. 

But, no matter how much or how long of a stretch it was, some things generally ring true … The world changed, the way that we lived and went about our day to day life changed, some of those changes have become permanent, and some of those changes while not permanent are the “new normal”.

Now, what does any of this have to do with growing and evolving and a growth mindset?!?

If you were like me, when we first were told that we had to work from home … You weren’t really sure what to feel or think when you first got sent home. 

Well, actually, I was against it because I don’t like sudden change. And also, I make a paper file for each of my clients and in order to be productive and to truly work, I would need to bring each of those files home. So, that was a big process of getting them packed up, brought home, and set up for me to be able to work … 

But, after a couple weeks of getting home, creating a routine, and getting going at working from home, I started to enjoy it because I was able to watch tv, listen to podcasts, talk to my best friend while we worked, and most importantly (to me) I was able to start working earlier and finish working earlier because there was no commute time! (Oh, and Legal.Lee was also birthed during the this time … ya know, all the extra down time)

Then … a couple months into working from home, I started to get over it! There was only so much Netflix, reading, puzzles that I could do … And the lack of regular social interaction was getting on my nerves, if I’m being honest. 

Then, as we started phasing back into going back to work, we got to have the best of both worlds. We got to work from home some days and come to the office somedays … That lasted for a little time, then we were back to the office full time. But, I really liked that in-between phase … Because I had a choice and some control in it!

What I'm basically saying and showing here is that my mindset towards working from home changed. As I experienced different aspects of it, my mindset grew and evolved. 

Think back to your transitions with work during the pandemic … What was your experience? What was your thought process on it?

I know a lot of people initially were reluctant to do it, just like me, they were against it. But now, after a year of doing it, I know a few people are now saying that they don't want to go back to the office, and they really want their job to let them just keep working from home.

Lay the Foundation

When I say growth … What comes to mind?

What does growth mean to you?

Growing is about becoming more. Whether that is growing older, growing taller, growth is about gaining typically.

So, when I say growth, I think of gaining.

When I say mindset … What do you think of?

What does mindset mean to you?

Mindset is about your mind. It's about your thoughts, your beliefs, the things in your head. Your mindset is about what you believe. 

So, since we’re talking about a growth mindset … Let’s put it together .. 

What does a growth mindset mean to you?

Growth mindset is your mindset towards growth … It's your mindset, your thoughts, and your beliefs towards growing and your mindset towards getting better. 

That’s what a growth mindset is.

You Choose Your Mindset

Now, I know I never mentioned the word fixed, or a fixed mindset … But, just hear me out here. There are two types of mindsets that we can have in life -  that’s either a growth mindset or fixed mindset.

Well, I've explained that a growth mindset is basically about your mindset towards growth ... 

Then, I’m sure you can guess that a fixed mindset is the opposite. A fixed mindset is about staying the same.

You get to decide in life if you want to have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset.

Obviously, since I’m waiting until now to talk about fixed mindset … I’m sure you can guess which one I would tell you that you should have in life. 

But hey, you’re in charge of your own life … so the choice is yours. Choose wisely.

Let’s talk about a fixed mindset ...

Do you believe that you can change? Or do you believe you are stuck the way that you are?

That’s the difference between a growth mindset and fixed mindset!

Letting Go of the Fixed for the Growth

We all have an inner voice that tells us things like:

  • I can’t do this

  • I”m not good enough 

  • It’s not my fault 

  • It’s all my fault

  • It won’t change anything 

In looking at your mindset, you can look at things that tend to trigger your feelings that you can’t do the “thing”, whatever that thing is. … The thoughts are what make up and are triggering your fixed mindset.

Which of these circumstances or situations bring up the thoughts that you can’t change … 

  • Is it when you fail?

  • Is it when something goes wrong?

  • Is it when someone criticizes you?

  • Is it when you’re under pressure?

  • Is it when you procrastinate and feel lazy?

  • Is it when you have a conflict with someone?

Now, when you know what tends to trigger your fixed mindset, that means that you can do things to change that and develop a growth mindset …

While you may not always be able to change what happens around you, you always have a choice of how you respond, react, and how you view that situation!

When you catch yourself thinking these fixed mindset thoughts, it’s time to evaluate them … 

To ask yourself what else could be going on … 

To look at your perspective ...

Then, you can change the perspective of it by taking action.

You know what I like to say … change your perspective, change your mindset, change your life.

You can go from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset by following these steps … 

Which Will You Choose?

Your ability to change is centered around your belief that you can in fact change your mindset … That’s the growth mindset.

So, how can the fixed mindset affect you and limit you?

If you decide not to go from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset … What will that look like in your life?!?

You choose, I told you. 

But, I told you to choose wisely too.

So yea … It’s up to you to decide that you’re ready to work through this. 

It’s up to you to decide that you want to go from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset!

Or, if you already have a growth mindset, but the fixed parts of your mindset are still trying to hinder you, you can conquer those too.

I’m here. I’ve given you the tips, tools, and tricks to do it yourself, but you know that’s never a requirement with me. If you want help, to evaluate your mindset, to shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, or even to just strengthen your growth mindset, I’m here

Now, let’s go … Let’s grow.

I believe in you!

You got this,

-Coach Lee


Say No to “But” …


Defy the Limits