When Preparation Doesn’t Meet Reality …

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Sometimes preparing and knowing what to do when you're prepared doesn't actually prepare you for the unexpected. So, what happens, or better yet what do you do, when the unexpected happens?!? 

Look, I'm a planner (if you haven’t figured that out by now)! Which means I'm not a big fan of the unexpected. Especially when it's something that, in my head, should be in my control. 

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this at this point … Yea, even when you think things are fully in your control and you’re prepared, life has a funny way of humbling you real quick!


Get Your Popcorn …

Let me explain … Last Saturday I hosted what was my 3rd masterclass at this point. 

I've done them all the same way … with YouTube live. I wanted something simple, that was less of a headache, and not a lot of tech … Because the more moving pieces the more opportunities for something to go wrong!

Well, you would think that the 3rd time would be the charm, wouldn’t you? If I was able to get the first two masterclasses off without a hitch, you would think the process and setup should be easier, right?!? 

Hmph … wrong! I guess you see that that wasn't the case or I wouldn't be here writing this. So yea, I set up the link like normal … Or so I thought  (since there was obviously a problem later … spoiler alert).

While, I kept thinking that something about it looked different or was off, when I checked it it kept saying that it was scheduled, it let me put my information in like normal, and it looked like the others did when I made them … Figured it was just my mind playing tricks on me, or something. 

Well, just because something looks right doesn't mean that it is right. Yea, yea … I know, lesson learned (now). 

And the funny thing is, in retrospect because DEFINITELY wasn’t funny at the time, I knew it wasn't right intuitively because every other day I kept going back to the link because subconsciously I kept getting the feeling that it was off … That something was wrong. 

I kept checking it. And, I kept coming to the same conclusion … That I was overreacting because everything looked fine! 

Yea … ok.

It’s Story Time!


Let’s fast forward … It’s Saturday now 10:59 … One minute until go time. I’m all set up, sitting in front of the computer, and ready to do it. 

11:00 … I hit go live ... NOTHING!

I’m looking at the screen trying to understand why it's not connecting. 

Now it's saying waiting for manual setup, or for some system something to connect … What?!? Yea, this doesn't normally happen.

Clicking around trying to figure out the issue … Now its asking for some API key or something like that. 

What is that?!? I don’t know … I still don't even know what it is … But, I knew it was keeping me from my people and the masterclass that I was trying to teach! 

Urgh! While time is ticking by and I’m still attempting to troubleshoot my little heart out, I’m now trying to decide how do I tell people something is wrong?!? Do I do a post … Put it in my stories … There's email, but are they going to see it?!?

Bump it … PIVOT!

Just made an entirely new live … I made it, added all the information, sent out the new link, and immediately went live. 

Yea … I know … Come on genius, you just pushed send! They aren't there yet! 

I'm semi freaking out at this point. (Yes, I occasionally panic … I'm human

I knew people were waiting on me.

Oh wait … The other live link is still there! 

So now I'm using the chat to communicate with those who are waiting for the live to start … Bam, people are there! I explain what's happening, all while trying to make a 3rd link because I stopped the 2nd live link after 90 seconds of no one joining … Like I said … I was semi panicking! 

I called my friend … I never call her! We typically keep our conversations, messages, and video calls on Facebook. 

Which is probably why she answered so quickly! 

I'm still finishing up making the 3rd link, while also quickly, but still in freak out mode, explaining what's happening … While also asking what do I do? 

She asks what I want to do … “Cancel, reschedule, pivot” … I say all three back to back.

I explain why I want to do each … Then, I'm like nope … pivot!

This is real life! Perfection isn't real. It's time to show what I'm really made of and do what I teach my clients!

So I made a 3rd link … Went live … And about half the registrants were still there live, were able to engage with me, and it seems like they took something away from it. 

Hey, I was even able to explain some of it during the masterclass and use it as something to teach on!

Lessons Learned!

See what I mean … If you look for the lessons, then you can find them! 

This was definitely a lesson! 

Actually, there were a few lessons I learned …

  1. Trust your instincts and your gut when you feel that something isn’t right

  2. Have a contingency plan or back up plan in place

  3. It’s ok to feel your emotions but don’t stay in your emotions 

  4. Don’t just ghost, communication is important

  5. Life isn’t perfect and perfection doesn’t exist 

Let me break it down … 

Trust your instincts!

When you feel a feeling, take the time to look at and evaluate that feeling!

Like I said, I felt that something was off, and I followed the gut feeling and checked the link, but I couldn’t quite see what the issue was. It showed that it was scheduled, I clicked the link to test it and it took me to the video where it was going to be … Showing that it was upcoming and scheduled.

But it was still wrong!

I had the feeling FOR DAYS … and I kept looking at it FOR DAYS

Except Friday I had the feeling again, and didn’t check. Saturday morning, I had it again, but still didn’t check. 

In my head, I was like I’ve checked it fifty thousand times already and nothing is changing … So, I didn’t check it again. I should have. Maybe then I would have actually seen the issue … It was trying to link to an external video source instead of the internal webcam that I normally use.

Trust yourself

Your mind and body are trying to tell you when something isn’t right, but we often let that go without actually looking at it and exploring that. 

If you feel that something isn’t right, look into it. Trust but verify!

Trust yourself and verify that what you’re feeling should or shouldn’t be a feeling.

Have a contingency plan

Have a back up plan to back up the back up plan … Ok ok … Now don’t go down the rabbit hole of plans and create a million of them.

But yes, if you’re able to think of all the things that might happen, create a plan but then also have a back up plan. 

Now, let me be clear, this isn't meant to be a self-destructive way of thinking of all these things that can go wrong, so that as a result you decide that you’re not going to do the thing. … But this is meant to be a proactive plan of thinking of the possible issues that you’ll have so that you can consider them and then create a plan for them.

When I did my first masterclass, I didn't want to be dealing with a lot of tech for my first time going live and hosting something, which is why I kept it simple on YouTube. 

So, in terms of contingency plans … I knew that I could go live on YouTube just as a whole, so in essence that was my backup plan. (But also, if you’re not subscribed to my channel … Go ahead and get subscribed, I’m planning to put the channel to use for more than just masterclasses soon.)

Worse case scenario was do it with no one watching and send it back out to everyone to watch as a replay. 

There were options and there were choices … I could reschedule it, make it pre-recorded, or keep trying to get live. We know which I ultimately choose … 

You too have choices!

Feel your emotions

Now, just because you feel your emotions, you don’t have to stay in your emotions.

Emotions are temporary … Or as temporary as you allow them to be. Don’t become so attached to your emotions; instead, just flow with them. Feel the emotions but then pick yourself back up and keep going!

Like I said, when it first happened … I panicked, I didn't want to be late. I got scared because of what was happening. I was frustrated because I thought I had planned for this. I was feeling stressed … Well, I’m not sure if stressed is the right word, but let's just use it for ease because I'm not quite sure what that last emotion that I was feeling was. I was feeling pressure for sure … To show up, to be there, to stick to my word, because I was late. 

But, I refused to stay in my emotions … I shook them off as best I could because they still had me a little discombobulated and frazzled during the presentation. However, I used what was happening in the moment and in real time to teach from as well. 

Now, while I thought that I was all over the place and wasn’t communicating the information properly (especially when I saw the difference in length of time in comparison to prior masterclasses), in talking with those who were on live and even those who watched the replay, it didn’t come across that way. 

They said they learned and that using the information that was happening in the moment to use as lessons as well was beneficial.

It’s amazing what happens when you feel your emotions and let your emotions fuel you and propel you … In a good way. So, feel your emotions and then let your emotions drive you in a motivational sense and use it as fuel. When you turn what you’re going through into your message you become more relatable and real because others can see it in action and being lived out. So feel your emotions but don’t stay in your emotions!

Communication is key

You have to communicate! A lot of us tend to shut down when it comes to communication instead of expressing what you’re going through and what it is that you’re feeling. When something goes wrong, you like to forget that you’re human and that things will happen. 

Instead, you just clam up and shut down, a turtle going back into our shell until the issue or problem has gone away and then you re-emerge as if nothing happened and all is well with the world.

No, stop doing that! Communicate …. Do your best to communicate in the moment. Be honest with yourself. Be honest with others.

If you communicate, you can prevent a lot of assumptions from happening because you’re speaking on what is happening … And in communicating, take responsibility for your part in it.

I was able to use the chat feature to communicate in the moment … I sent an email as well. 

& then now here I am writing this whole blog about it … 

Perfect isn’t real

Real isn’t perfect and perfect isn’t real … So be open and be honest. This ties in perfectly with the prior lesson, that communication is key. 

The reality is that life isn’t perfect … Life is messy. And obviously a mess isn’t perfect … It’s the opposite! 

So, when you’re dealing with people … Actually, when you’re dealing with ANYTHING expect things to mess up! Technology isn’t perfect … It's made by people. So, things are bound to happen … 

You can’t expect perfectionism … Do your best and your best will be good enough! And if someone is expecting perfectionism from you … Just keep doing your best, let’s be real, they aren’t perfect either!

Put it to Work!

Take the time to use some of the lessons that I learned during this and apply it to your life and any situation that you go through. I believe in you and it’s time for you to start believing in yourself as well!

So yea … That’s how my mess of a masterclass became this message. This one masterclass turned into numerous lessons. But, not only did it create some lessons but out of this has created another opportunity … To do it again, but to do it bigger and better! 

Because in a free masterclass you definitely can't get the total package! It’s not even about the price, but in under an hour, you can't expect to get it all done. These things take time!


So, without further ado … drumroll please

Registration is now open for The Pursuit: Passion & Purpose … Not another masterclass, but a course (who’s name is subject to change as I finalize it)! 

I’m turning this masterclass isn’t a course that will be a hybrid of self-paced, group coaching, as well as one one one coaching. Yep, you all need more … You all deserve more! And I’m here to provide it

So, if you’re interested in learning more about it, book a call with me so you can make sure that you’re a good fit for it and I can answer any questions you have. 

Now, if you already know that you’re ready to do this, send me a message to sign up for the waitlist. Don’t hesitate … Don’t wait. You never know what early action will get you!

As always … I want to hear from you, so comment below and let me know any thoughts you had in reading this.

-Coach Lee

Your Productivity & Accountability Coach


Grow Through It …


The Wrap-Up: Pursuing Passion & Purpose