Grow Through It …

Grow Through it

Grow through what you go through. 

You might have heard this phrase before, but have you actually taken the time to think about what it means? 

Have you actually taken the time to think about what it means in your life?!?

If you’re going to go through something, you might as well grow through it … So that’s what we’ll be talking about today. 

Grow Through It

You’re going to go through things in life, but what will you get out of them?!? Now, that is the question and the answer to that is on you!

The way I see it is that if I’m going to go through something, then I might as well grow through it. If you don’t grow through what you go through then one of two things is bound to happen: you’re going to have to go through it again OR you’re never going to change. In reality, both of those things are likely to happen.

When I read, or hear, the phrase “Grow through what you go through”, to me it means just that. It’s learning and growing through whatever it is that you go through. It’s looking for the lessons in the various things that happen to you throughout the day and throughout life.

If you refuse to grow, or don’t embrace growth, you’re staying still which means you’re not growing … You're stuck! I know, a lot of repetition going on here. But, I’m just laying the groundwork so that we have that foundation to work from … 

So, are you willing to grow through what you go through?!? If so, let's get into this. 

Oh, if you said no, still keep reading, because there are three main things you need to look at when it comes to growing through what you go through, and Ijust might change your mind.


Learn from Your Mistakes

Growing through what you go through is learning from your mistakes. Now, that's not to say that everything that you go through is a mistake. But, if you look for the lesson in it you can see where you possibly contributed to it ,or played a part in it, which could be viewed as a mistake. So, if you're willing to be vulnerable, to be open, and to be honest with yourself you can learn from your mistakes or the things that you did to contribute to what you went through. 

All mistakes are learning opportunities, no matter how big or small the mistake may be. But, you have to be willing to look for the mistake, be honest about the mistake, and then look for the lesson that can be found as a result of the mistake.

We learn through trial and error. Normally, that's the best way to work through something … By learning through what you go through. 

Look at what happened. What did you do to contribute to it? What could you have done to prevent it? Look through the sequence of events and the timeline, where was the specific action or link in the chain that led to the mistake? 

When you've identified this, you have to decide what you will do to prevent it from happening again. Do you need to be more prepared? Do you need to listen more? Do you need to speak up? What is it that you need to do?!?

Now, even if the experience was a completely positive or uplifting thing, there's still something you can learn from. You can learn from what went right, so that you can keep  doing that and know what mistakes to avoid.


Don’t Focus on Your Weaknesses

Now, I know I said to learn from your mistakes, but when looking at and identifying your mistakes this isn’t meant for you to go down the rabbit hole of wallowing in self pity. Identifying the mistakes in what happened, doesn’t all necessarily fall on you. The mistakes that were made, could have been by someone or something else … But, before you shift the blame onto someone else, identify your part in it.

Identifying something is another word for being aware of it and bringing awareness to it. Once you are aware of your weaknesses, figure out how you can turn them into strengths. The entire purpose behind the process of growing through what you go through is so that you can get better. 

You can turn your weaknesses into strengths. So, be aware of your weaknesses, but don’t focus on them. Instead, I want you to focus on your strengths. Look at what you have to offer that others don’t, focus on that. Don't look at what others have that you don’t, I don’t want you to focus on that.

You have to really think, to ask questions that make you think more deeply about your life. Write it down … Write down your strengths, your weaknesses, the opportunities for improvement, the things that went good, and the things that could have gone better … This will allow you to have a big picture view, a complete view, and allow your focus to not just be on weaknesses but to view the situation, as well as life, as a whole instead of just looking at one part.

I know previously I told you to learn from your mistakes, and this step might seem like a contradiction to that, but it isn’t. Why?!? 

Because by looking at the whole picture, you can truly learn from your mistakes. Because the first time that you think of your mistakes you might think of all the negatives or because you might list a whole bunch of things that weren’t actually mistakes. 

However, when you’re truly looking at the whole picture, this allows you to not focus on your weaknesses, which will then allow you to truly learn from your mistakes.


 Change your Attitude

Now this … THIS is where the rubber meets the road! You have to realize that you have the power to change! You already know what I like to say … Change your perspective, change your mindset, and change your life. 

Learning from your mistakes and not focusing on your weaknesses were about laying the groundwork in the perspective shifts to come. In this situation, your attitude is your mindset, it’s the way that you think about things. You have to believe that you can … You have to be motivated to do so. Anything and everything that you want to change in your life, you can … You just have to believe it.!

Don’t allow yourself to become so complacent that you let yourself be seated and stay defeated. Instead, what I want you to do is level up your life … Change your mindset around what you believe your life can be and watch your attitude surrounding your life change.  

You deserve more than an “ok” life … You deserve the life that you hope, wish, and dream about … So stop making excuses! You have the power to change your life! By  learning from your mistakes and not focusing on those weaknesses, your attitude will change, which will in turn impact the way that you show up in life. Not only will your attitude and the way that you show up change, it will also provide a renewed attitude as well as a renewed outlook and output on life.

So, be proactive and be intentional about the way that you think about things and the attitude you develop towards them. 

Now, don’t go expecting to see an overnight result and shift. You might … In some areas but really the steps you take are based upon the results you'd like to see, the results aren’t going to be instantaneous. This means that by changing your attitude you’re  changing a link in the chain. Your attitude is a piece of the puzzle, which will contribute to the end results that will be achieved.

Do your best, but don’t obsess over the ultimate outcome. Trust the process. Your attitude is something that will need constant adjustments throughout the days and weeks to come … But, trust the process and watch how much easier those attitude adjustments become.

It’s Your Turn Now!

it's time

So, let me know now … Are you ready to grow through what you go through?!?

I hope that now you see the benefit in learning and growing through what you go through. You know I'm all about productivity … So for me, growing through what I’ve gone through or what I’m currently going through is making the most use of my time! 

I don’t really have the time to keep repeating cycles and processes. Now, this doesn’t mean that I don’t, but I want to continue to progress and improve. So, if I have to go through something more than one, I want for each time to be different. I want to keep looking for the lessons in life.

That means if you're looking for someone to help you find the lessons in what you’ve gone through, you know where to find me … I’m here, just waiting for you to click the link to book your call so we can do something about it.

If you know you need to grow through what you go through but just aren’t sure how to or where to start … Then, yep, you guessed it  … here for that too!

Let me know below, are you ready to grow through what you go through?!?

It’s time … Change your perspective by learning from your mistakes and not focusing on your weaknesses. Change your mindset by looking at the big picture and not focusing on your weaknesses and changing your attitude. Then, you can change your life by putting all three together and actually doing the work.

It’s time … Go do the work … I believe in you!

~ Coach Lee

Your Productivity & Accountability Coach 


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