What’s Happening up There …

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook and watch my stories or read my posts, I’m sure that you might have noticed a common theme ... I talk a lot about mindset and goal setting. It’s something that's really close to my heart, and I could probably talk about it forever. But, mindset and goal setting is just the tip of the iceberg, so let's do this …

You likely also have noticed by now know that I always use the phrase change your perspective, change your mindset, change your life. I did a whole blog about why I say the phrase, what it means to me, and how you can apply it to your life, and even did a video on it. 

BUT, you want more … I’m here to deliver that!


What is Mindset?

You’re still confused, or need more clarity and understanding, on exactly what is mindset ... 

What is mindset? 

Mindset is the state of your mind.

Mindset is how you think about things and how you think about yourself.

Mindset impacts every area of your life because the way you think about things, the way you think about yourself, is going to affect the way you show up in life. Mindset is also the way you show up for yourself.

Getting your mindset on track, getting your mindset adjusted, and getting your mindset aligned is important!

Can you Change your Mindset?

You have a negative mindset, or you’re not even sure what your mindset is, can you change it? Yes!

You can do anything you put your mind to. And yes, I do literally mean put your mind to because mindset is an operation of the mind. So, if you put your mind to changing your mindset, you can!

The question really becomes do you need to change your mindset? Do you want to change your mindset?

The answer to both should be yes! 

All of us need to work to continuously change our mindset, even if you have a positive mindset. Your mindset is something you still have to work on each and everyday because life is going to come at you, people are going to try to  you, and things are going to happen that will try to keep you from having a positive mindset.

Do you want to change your mindset? 

Do you want to change your life? 

Do you want to live life in a better way? 

Do you want to show up for yourself in a better way? 

Do you want to show up for your job or your business in a better way? 

Do you want to show up for your family, your children, your relationships, your friendship better?

If the answer is yes then you're ready!

And, if the answer is no … then, what are you doing here?!? Why did you even start reading?!? Why are you going through the motions of life?!? 

As a matter of fact, if your answer is no, stop reading and IMMEDIATELY book a call to talk to me now because we have to work through this. We have to figure out what is keeping you from not wanting to change your mindset, and you can’t do it alone …  

If you don’t change your mindset then you are going to keep living life negatively, keep limiting yourself, and keep just being not the best version of yourself. 

But, in reality, you shouldn’t want that, you should want better than that for yourself … I do.

How to Work on Mindset?

Like I mentioned before, working on your mindset is an everyday occurrence. It's the conscious choice because it will require constant effort.

I’m going to do a blog on affirmations and incantations next week because the way that you speak to yourself and the things you think of yourself will become the things you believe about yourself. In the meantime, if you want to just learn a little about it, check out this post

To show up for yourself in the best way, it starts first with doing the internal work on your mindset.

You have to remember that you are in control of your mind. You can intentionally shift and change your mindset, but you have to do the actual work to change your thoughts, which will change your mind, which will  change your mindset.

The real work on your mindset comes through the things you read, the things you say, the things you listen to; basically, working on your mindset is about what you allow into your mind. If you let something into your mind, you give it the ability and the potential to affect your mindset. So, you have to control what you allow to enter in. 

Think of your mind like your house - you don't let someone who's going to do you harm or mean you no good into your house ... 

Treat your mindset the exact same way and don't allow things that are going to harm you or mean you no good.

Why Should You?

If you’re asking why should you change your mindset … I think the real question is: Who do you want to control your life? Who do you want to control your thoughts? Who do you want to control your mind? 

If the answers to those questions are you … Then you should want to change your mindset! 

If you don't … You’re leaving yourself, your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, and as a result your life, to chance and to someone else.

STOP letting someone else impact your thoughts. STOP letting someone else impact your mindset.

If someone screams or yells at you, how you choose to respond to it is where your mindset is going to come into play. If you show others that they can affect you, affect your mood, and affect your mindset, you are giving them all the power. You are giving them the control to do just that - Don’t do that!

Decide: Who do you want to be in control of your life? Who do you want to have the power over your life? The answer to these questions will help keep you focus. The answer to these questions should be you.

How do you Keep Focused?

You managed to shut the door to the negative things, negative people, negative thoughts, and you're trying to keep all the other negative out. It’s hard … Life is hard. Life is full of ups and downs, good and bad, and you can't control everything that happens. What is in your control is how you respond to it. 

Change your mindset by seeing it as a positive and making a positive out of everything. 

You keep your focus on your mindset by being intentional about it. You can feel your emotions, but then you have to choose how you’re going to express your emotions. The expression of emotions can also affect your mindset.

Your desire to keep the focus on having a positive mindset, to live a better life, and choosing to work on your mindset so that you can have a better mindset is about you finding the greater good in life. 

Your health, for that matter, will be affected by being in a constant negative headspace. Stress, anger, worry, and fear … all these negative types of emotions … Aren't good for the body. Having the body in a constant state of stress, of fight or flight, isn't good for your health - both your actual health and your mental health. 

Changing your mindset will change your life because it starts at the top to go to the bottom.

Ehhh … The Struggle is Still Real

You still feel like this hard or an impossible struggle. You feel that the ability to change your mindset isn’t something that you can do alone, or you just don’t want to do it along, I'm here for you.

You have to go from living in your thoughts, to living your life, and changing your mindset … Then reach out and let's work through it together

I can help you through the mindset struggles, and help you get the mindset shifts. There’s no requirement that you have to do it alone. Your decision to want to do it is the most important decision right now … From there we can do it all, together … let’s do this!

I’m serious about this whole changing your mindset to change your life thing … Because it will work and because it does work!

Your mind empowers you but you have to empower yourself. Let’s go live your best life. Let’s go live our lives. I know that I'm going to … Will you?!?

Comment below and let’s start a discussion: How has your mindset impacted you in your life?

If you’re ready to change your perspective, change your MINDSET, then you can change your life!


The “Lee” behind Legal.Lee


What you Say … How you Say it …


Soooo Much to Do …